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Germany is known for the awesome metal bands and Magoth is here to show you that this statement is true.
Playing Black Metal that drink from the second wave of the genre, Magoth shows the potential as a group and is certainly impressive. This is a band I hope to listen more good news in the future. Below you can check the interview we made with them.
Stay True, Stay Blasphemous!!!!!!
- To warm up, could you tell us how the band was created and the journey so far?
MAGOTH: Magoth was founded in 2011 by frontman Heergott. The intention was to give all the negativity and ugliness of this world an appropriate musical countenance, accompanied by Heergott’s associated thoughts and emotions. In collaboration with guitarist Mordath six songs were created which formed the musical foundation for Magoth. Mordath, however, left the band in 2013.
In the same year longtime companion Shagnar took over the position on the lead guitar as well as the organizational part of the band. The synergy of both characters gave Magoth a new dynamic. Later Shagnar took part in the songwriting process of the debut “Anti Terrestrial Black Metal”, released in 2017.
The search for a drummer was quite difficult, because it was sought after someone who was not only trained on pace. So in 2015 Widrir was contacted. Widrir impressed by his attitude and an enormously powerful, aggressive playing. From then on the songs were celebrated together and the true potential of Magoth’s sound was unleashed.
Plans for the publication of the existing material became concrete and Shagnar created the structures for self-distribution. With the label “shagnART music” Magoth was able to officially release the demo player ”Der Toten Gesang” in 2016.
Due to the announcement of several concerts a guest bassist was engaged, whose position was short time later taken over by Havoc. Havoc completed the line-up of brothers in spirit and gave the sound of Magoth another vigorous touch.
The first era of Magoth began with the release of our debut player “Anti Terrestrial Black Metal” on 30th june 2017. After over a dozen concerts in this formation we present ourselves as a well attuned unit that feeds that beast Magoth with our spirit.
- What are your influences?
MAGOTH: Musically we are inspired by numerous bands from the second wave of Black
Metal. The known classics as well as several highlights from the underground. In the end we leave it to the listeners to find out any similarities.
Thematically we are influenced by our own perception and philosophy. Above all, the denial of the present society and its seducer Mammon. The resulting uprooting of man from nature is a damning indictment of his own history.
We walk around with open eyes, questioning what others are trying to suppress. Our view is focused on the big picture and we stand aloof from rigid thought patterns. We use knowledge as protest. For believing means stagnation.
- The band has a demo called “Der Toten Gesang” from 2016 and an album from 2017 that is called “Anti Terrestrial Black Metal”. How was the acceptance of both materials?
MAGOTH: Our demo “Der Toten Gesang” was the first official vital sign of Magoth. It was a huge step on the way to the following first era “Anti Terrestrial Black Metal”. The response on the demo was great and the demo itself sold out within one year. The recurrent parallels to 90’s Black Metal were repeatedly emphasized.
But the release of our debut “Anti Terrestrial Black Metal” in 2017 blasted any previous expectations. The album received an enormous feedback, national as well as international.
We got CD orders from around the world, review and interview requests. In addition we kept getting messages from fans who reported that they were in trance-like moods while listening to our album. Others wrote us that they listen to the album several times a day.
The limited, hand-numbered first edition of “Anti Terrestrial Black Metal” was then sold out within just 11 weeks. Due to the high demand we decided to produce a second edition which will soon be sold out as well. Via the album, as well as other merch can be ordered.
- Could you talk a bit about the creative process for the songs and the lyrics?
MAGOTH: Magoth is created jointly but with individual leadership. Main songwriter Heergott processes our ideas into those profound songs which mature during the rehearsals by each band member’s unique character. Our demand on the quality of our music is a time-consuming but important part that fills Magoth with our hearts blood.
Lyrics are written primarily by Heergott and Shagnar. For the upcoming album Widrir also participated. The conceptual theme of the album required a lot of mind work. We continue the story that began with our debut “Anti Terrestrial Black Metal”. The four gestalts on the album cover retreat into a cave to ponder about their experiences in that dogmatic outside world that represents human’s society.
- You are from Germany and play black metal. I live in Germany since 2014 and always the people tell me to be aware about the black metal scene (that is a genre that I really like), because it is not uncommon that NS people are involved. Do you had any problem with this and why do you believe that the black metal is strongly connected with the extreme right political view?
MAGOTH: We detest any relation between right-wing views and Black Metal. Because especially this genre is far more than limited political populism. It’s boundless and carries much more than just a hate message in itself; it’s a journey to the core of oneself. But like Black Metal every genre has its own radicals who misuse music as a means to an end.
Those who are misled by such dogmas are not be able to overcome the mental border that leads to this core. A mind shaped by knowledge and sanity is required, not blind obedience. Politically motivated and radicals exclude themselves from guardianing the true Black Metal legacy.
- We are in the internet era and it is not difficult to people download movies or songs and even in Germany where the laws are really severe it is not impossible to stop it. What do you think about it?
MAGOTH: It depends to the point of view and the message of the artist. Performers may rage but true artists see more behind their achievements. Spreading the message is much more important than just the idea to generate money with it. In addition, laws do not prevent people from evil deeds.
In the end it’s a question of personal ethics. Would you like to be considered as a follower of a mass that’s fooling itself or as a member of a counter-movement that deserves to be supported faithfully? Here the wheat is separated from the chaff.
- Anti Terrestrial Black Metal is one of the best releases I heard in the last years inside the black metal. Had on me the same impact as the works from Der Weg einer Freiheit, but sounding different and unique in its own way. What is the direction the band will go on the next release?
MAGOTH: The first era – Anti Terrestrial Black Metal – focus the band’s self-discovery while the upcoming era will show that Magoth has already chosen his place in this world. As we mature as humans and artists so does Magoth’s subject matter and music. At the same time we remain true to ourselves and our way.
- If you do not mind, I would like do know from where came the name and ideas for an album called “Anti Terrestrial Black Metal”? And from where came the band’s name?
MAGOTH: “Anti Terrestrial Black Metal” questions rigid thought patterns and holds up a mirror to dogmatists. It is directed against the currently prevailing society. That neologism – Anti Terrestrial – summarizes our message to only two words. It’s like a warning sign in front of a dark, rugged and mystical wood.
The name Magoth originated from writings of Abraham of Worms. Magoth is a planetary spirit under the banner of Lucifer, Leviathan, Satan and Belial. The name describes our intention: the union of spirits and the view on the madding crowd as an external observer. Besides, Magoth itself doesn’t act as a bad demon but as a cogwheel in the surrounding sphere. Likewise we fulfill a similar part in this world.
- Are you involved in any other projects that you would like to share with us?
MAGOTH: All band members have been making music for a long time and have been or are involved in other bands. But with Magoth we have opened the most intense chapter of our band histories so far.
- What are the plans for the second half of 2018?
MAGOTH: Above all finalize the working on the second era of Magoth. The second era will also be launched with an exclusiv live show at the end of the year.
- Thanks for the interview, now the space is yours to write something to our readers.
MAGOTH: Think for yourself. Question authority. Stay blasphemous.